Our Story
Hello, we are the Neuharth Family: David, Lisa, Lucas (19), Levi (18), and Benjamin (15).
We are SDA Christians who have lived in Washington our whole life - David graduated from Auburn Adventist Academy and Walla Walla College with a degree in electronics and Lisa from Upper Columbia Academy and University of Washington as a nurse. For years we were deeply involved in our home church. In 2017 we went through some major life changes. As we casually shared our testimony and music, people encouraged us to begin a ministry; Our family sings in 5-part harmony and we play piano, violin, trumpet, guitar, and more.
God has continued to grow our ministry. He is our promotor, and we have been blessed to travel extensively through the US and Mexico. COVID slowed us down for awhile, we enjoyed ministry in our home area, and we are on the road again. COVID, Bible studies, and friends also inspired Lisa to write and publish two books: If Going into Church Makes You a Christian, then Going into the Garage Makes You a Car and Falling in Love for Eternity! How to Fall in Love with Jesus and Family.
Our family ministry, “New Hearts 4 Christ,” is a play on our last name. While David has been a steady Adventist his whole life, it wasn't until later in life he realized he needed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Lisa was raised Adventist, left the Lord, and returned. They find living life with Jesus as their best friend is ridiculously better than they could have ever imagined. The more they read their Bibles, the more they fall in love with Jesus!
Lucas, Levi, and Benjamin all enjoy being missionaries right now through mission trips to Mexico and our family ministry. They look forward to a life of missionary work. Lucas wants to be a Bible worker and pilot in Alaska. Levi wants to be a contractor and missionary bush pilot. Benjamin wants to be a missionary in the United States as he believes that is where missionaries are needed the most right now. He loves to tell missionary stories and play the piano for the Lord.
Our ministry offers concerts for church services, camp meetings, weekend seminars, or special programs. Lisa speaks at women's retreats also.
We travel all over presenting our program – no location is too far and no group is too small. We do not charge anything as we simply desire to share with others the spectacular news of Christ’s love and soon return so we can all be ready to meet Him in the clouds.
Donations to help cover costs of our ministry are greatly appreciated and are tax-deductible.